Week 1 - Welcome To "The Lazy Vegan Challenge" Blog!

If you're a vegan or you're considering about going on some sort of "vegan challenge", then you probably landed here in search for a decent vegan restaurant review in Toronto. Well my friends, let me tell you that you are in the right place!

First off, I would just like to clarify that the idea of "The Lazy Vegan Challenge" came from my co-worker who decided to do it as a New Year's Resolution for 2013. The reason he labelled it "lazy" was because instead of doing this challenge alone, he decided to get as many people from work involved as possible. Smart. That way when he's eating his veggie sandwich in the lunchroom with his colleagues, he wouldn't be the only one! While I admire his scheming tactics of kicking off the New Year with a healthy start, my reason for this vegan challenge being "lazy" is because...well I am super lazy. I don't cook. I can. But I don't. With that being said, my notion of the "lazy" vegan challenge is an excuse to eat out even more, but this time with cause! And a healthy one!

I hear there a plenty of great vegan recipes. That's great...if you have the time to cook. However if you're like me and you have no time for anything but you have the extra dollar or two in your pocket to dine in, then I also hear there are a lot of great vegan restaurants in Toronto. The purpose of this blog will be mainly about reviews on these restaurants, the dishes I ordered and tasted, and what else is served on the menu, the service, and so forth.

Last night I've already had the privilege of experiencing my first vegan restaurant in Scarborough. But stay tuned! Details to be included followed by my next blog post!

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